Automatic reminders

Boost your productivity with automatic reminders

Schedule your follow-ups once, and we will chase your clients for you.

Illustration showing the automatic reminders schedule
Illustration showing how to schedule automatic reminders

Put your document collection on autopilot

Keep the right day delay between follow-ups to get your documents and your response on time.
We automatically stop sending messages when your clients respond to your request on the client portal.
You keep control of the whole communication. You can manually modify the upcoming messages or cancel them.


Personalize your messages

Use variables to craft the perfect messages and make your clients feel unique.
You can even add custom variables, so the personalization capabilities are endless.

Illustration showing how to personalize a follow up message
Illustration showing SMS and email reminders
Contact reminders

Use multi-channel messages

In specific contexts, friendly nudges are not enough to get documents back on time, and you will need to escalate your reminders. Collect offers the possibility to use SMS messages to follow up with your client additionally.

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