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How to customize the name of the documents in the zip file?

You can customize the name of the different documents uploaded before downloading the zip file.

You can customize the name of the different documents uploaded, and that will be put in the zip file that you can download from the request page.

By default, you will find different folders named after the requested docs name. And in each folder, the uploaded files.

If you want to name the files and folders differently:

  • During the creation of the campaign, at the “configuration” step.
  • Scroll down to “Advanced settings” and show the different options.
  • In the list, click on “Customize the documents and folders name in the zip archive”.
  • A new field appears where you can customize the name of the folders and the documents.
  • You can use a static file name (ex: “My archive”) or a dynamic file name (ex: “Elon Musk files”). We automatically add the file extension at the end of each file. So you don’t need to specify them.

To have folders in your zip file, specify a first part (using a static or dynamic name) and add a slash at the end. Ex: “{item_name}/”. This way, we will create a folder for each item.

If you don’t specify folders, we will put all the documents directly in the zip file.

To have dynamic file names, you need to use “variables” after the “folder” name. Variables are always between simple curly braces {my_variable}.

You can use the following variables to name your files and folders:

  • {item_name}: name of the item that you requested (ex: “proof of id”)
  • {doc_name}: the name of the document that have been uploaded (ex: “image 1”)
  • {user_first_name}: firstname of the user
  • {user_last_name}: lastname of the user
  • {user_company}: name of your company
  • {contact_first_name}: firstname of your contact
  • {contact_last_name}: lastname of your contact
  • {contact_email}: email of your contact
  • {contact_company}: company name of your contact

You can also use custom variables using {custom_variable_name}.

If you have multiple documents using the same name, we automatically add an underscore followed by a number. (ex: “document_2.pdf”)

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